Category COURSES

Chinese medicine – and a few considerations

One of the courses I completed recently is “Everyday Chinese Medicine” from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, available on Coursera (along with many MOOCs from other universities and companies).A necessary disclaimer here: I am not a practitioner of Traditional…

Data analytics

One of my “secondary jobs” was the one of data analyst – “secondary” means that I always provided metrics while doing something else (it’s quite common for an officer to be involved in more than just one “job position”), and…

Think of the children (development)

When someone (mostly: a parent or an educator) think of the development of children and young adults, the reaction falls in the range between those 2 extremes: You can easily recognize the first case when you see parents calling the…

Improve and take care of your brain!

One of the last course I completed this year is “Biohacking Your Brain’s Health” provided by Emory University on my beloved elearning platform Coursera.The main reason I was not skeptical about a course with “biohacking” in the title is because…