Leggi di più! La mia lista libri (dal 2021)

Partendo dal 01.01.2021, ho deciso di provare a leggere (almeno) 1 libro a settimana (lista aggiornata qui sotto). Perché?

Ci sono diverse valide ragioni per le quali ognuno dovrebbe leggere di più (e prima o poi ci scriverò in merito) e soprattutto puoi trovare diversi modi per incrementare il numero di pagine lette (e anche su questo argomento probabilmente ci scriverò).

92Early Retirement Extreme: A Philosophical and Practical Guide to Financial IndependenceJacob Lund FiskerFinancial, self-dev.
91Buy back your timeDan MartellTime management
90Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show BusinessNeil PostmanSociology
89The Tipping PointMalcolm GladwellSociology
88IrriducibileFederico FagginScience, Meaning of Life
87WaldenDavid ThoreauSelf-dev., minimalism, FIRE, intentional
86On writingStephen KingWriting
85Writing toolsRoy Peter ClarkWriting
84Reading like a writerFrancine ProseWriting, reading
83On writing wellWilliam ZinsserWriting
82The elements of styleWilliam Strunk Jr.Writing
81Profondo come il mare, leggero come il cielo: Un viaggio dentro se stessi per trovare la serenitàGianluca GottoMindfulness
80Fa bene o fa male?Dario BressaniniNutrition, chemistry
79Atomic HabitsJames ClearSelf-dev., psychology
78Se pianto un albero posso mangiare una bistecca?Giacomo Moro MaurettoBiology, environment
77Studiare non è una cazzataAlessandro de ConciniSelf-dev.
76Glucose RevolutionJessie InchauspéNutrition
75The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonF. Scott FitzgeraldNovel
74Why Zebras Don't Get UlcersRobert SapolskyStress, psychology, self-dev.
73Foto mosse di famiglie immobiliValerio LundiniHumor, nonsense
72PsicosoluzioniGiorgio NardonePsychology, Self-dev.
71Ricco solo risparmiandoFrancesco NarmenniPersonal finance, self-dev.
70Il segreto della comunicazionePaolo BorzacchielloMarketing, Comm.
69The rational manRollo TomassiSelf-dev.
68Il fenomeno degli incel e la Teoria RedpillMarco CrepaldiPsychology, sociology
67Influence, the psychology of persuasionRobert CialdiniPsychology
66So good they can't ignore youCal NewportSelf-dev.
65The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ckMark MansonSelf-dev.
64How To Win Friends And Influence PeopleDale CarnegieSelf-dev.
63How to take smart notesSönke AhrensSelf-dev.
62The Happiness TrapRuss HarrisPsychology, Self-dev.
61The Law of attractionE. & J. HicksSpiritual, Self-dev.
60MemoryBaddeleyPsychology, neuroscience
59Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of IndulgenceAnna LembkePsychology, Self-dev.
58The plagueAlbert CamusNovel
57LonelinessCacioppo & PatrickPsychology, Self-dev.
56Vince chi imparaAlessandro de ConciniSelf-dev.
54The master and MargaritaBulgakovNovel
53Of mice and menJohn SteinbeckNovel
52Heart of a dogBulgakovNovel
51The Great Mental Models 2: Physics, Chemistry and BiologyShane ParrishPsychology, Self-dev.
50The fatal eggsBulgakovNovel
49Diary of a MadmanNikolai GogolNovel
48Nevskij ProspèktNikolai GogolNovel
47The Great Mental Models: General Thinking ConceptsShane ParrishSelf-dev.
46Un amoreDino BuzzatiNovel
45Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for MortalsOliver BurkemanSelf-dev., Time mgmt
44The Will to Meaning: Foundations and Applications of LogotherapyViktor FranklPsychology
43Man's Search for MeaningViktor FranklPsychology, Self-dev.
42Digital MinimalismCal NewportTime mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev.
41Courage to be DislikedFumitake Kogam, Ichiro KishimiPsychology, Self-dev.
40Era meglio il libroValerio LundiniNonsense, humor
39The miracle of mindfulnessThich Nhat HanhMindfulness
38Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized WorldDavid EpsteinSelf-dev.
37AntifragileNassim N. TalebPyschology, Meaning of Life, Self-dev.
36Luna 2069Leo OrtolaniGraphic novel
35La virtù di ChecchinaMatilde SeraoNovel
34The Queen of SpadesA. PuškinNovel
33Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His FamilyH.P. LovecraftNovel
32Tools of TitansTim FerrissBio(s), self-dev.
31Designing your lifeBill Burnett, Dave EvansSelf-dev.
30The Kreutzer SonataLeo TolstoyNovel
29Bartleby, the ScrivenerHerman MelvilleNovel
28The elephant in the brainRobin HansonSociology, psychology
27FlowMihaly CsikszentmihalyiPsychology, Self-dev.
26Meditations: Book of Knowledge and Philosophy HandbookMarco AurelioBiography
25The metamorphosisFranz KafkaNovel
24The TrialFranz KafkaNovel
23Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My LadM. R. JamesGhost story
22Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday LifeThich Nhat HanhMindfulness
21Poor folkFëdor DostoevskijNovel
20Why we sleepMatthew WalkerMed.
19Perfume: The Story of a MurdererPatrick SüskindHistorical fantasy novel
18Autobiography of a yogiParamhansa YoganandaMindfulness, "illumination", biography
17No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming SufferingThich Nhat HanhMindfulness
16Ego is the enemyRyan HolidayPsychology, Self-dev.
15Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of NoiseThich Nhat HanhMindfulness
14The millionaire fastlaneMJ DeMarcoFinancial, self-dev
13Emozioni: istruzioni per l'usoGiorgio NardoneEmotions, Psychology
12Eat that frog!Brian TracyTime mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev.
11VippNino FrassicaHumor, Nonsense
10The time machineH. G. WellsSci-Fi
9Irresistible: the rise of Addictive TechnologyAdam AlterDigital detox
8Tao Te ChingLao TzuMindfulness, "illumination"
7The power of nowEckhart TolleMindfulness, "illumination"
6(the great little book of) Mastering your timeBrian TracyTime mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev.
5The willpower instinctKelly McGonigalPsychology, Self-dev.
4Riconquista il tuo tempoAndrea GiuliodoriTime mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev.
3Getting Things DoneDavid AllenTime mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev. (...2nd read)
2Deep workCal NewportPsychology, Self-dev.
1LibroMaccio CapatondaHumor, Nonsense, Meaning of life

Quali sono i libri che hai già letto ed hai intenzione di leggere quest’anno? Hai qualche libro in particolare da suggerire?

aa Nel mio lettore e-book: “Il pozzo e il pendolo” di Edgar Allan Poe
Nota: la frutta nel mio piatto è presente in numero perfetto.

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