Partendo dal 01.01.2021, ho deciso di provare a leggere (almeno) 1 libro a settimana (lista aggiornata qui sotto). Perché?
Ci sono diverse valide ragioni per le quali ognuno dovrebbe leggere di più (e prima o poi ci scriverò in merito) e soprattutto puoi trovare diversi modi per incrementare il numero di pagine lette (e anche su questo argomento probabilmente ci scriverò).
# | Title | Author | Subject(s) |
92 | Early Retirement Extreme: A Philosophical and Practical Guide to Financial Independence | Jacob Lund Fisker | Financial, self-dev. |
91 | Buy back your time | Dan Martell | Time management |
90 | Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business | Neil Postman | Sociology |
89 | The Tipping Point | Malcolm Gladwell | Sociology |
88 | Irriducibile | Federico Faggin | Science, Meaning of Life |
87 | Walden | David Thoreau | Self-dev., minimalism, FIRE, intentional |
86 | On writing | Stephen King | Writing |
85 | Writing tools | Roy Peter Clark | Writing |
84 | Reading like a writer | Francine Prose | Writing, reading |
83 | On writing well | William Zinsser | Writing |
82 | The elements of style | William Strunk Jr. | Writing |
81 | Profondo come il mare, leggero come il cielo: Un viaggio dentro se stessi per trovare la serenità | Gianluca Gotto | Mindfulness |
80 | Fa bene o fa male? | Dario Bressanini | Nutrition, chemistry |
79 | Atomic Habits | James Clear | Self-dev., psychology |
78 | Se pianto un albero posso mangiare una bistecca? | Giacomo Moro Mauretto | Biology, environment |
77 | Studiare non è una cazzata | Alessandro de Concini | Self-dev. |
76 | Glucose Revolution | Jessie Inchauspé | Nutrition |
75 | The Curious Case of Benjamin Button | F. Scott Fitzgerald | Novel |
74 | Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers | Robert Sapolsky | Stress, psychology, self-dev. |
73 | Foto mosse di famiglie immobili | Valerio Lundini | Humor, nonsense |
72 | Psicosoluzioni | Giorgio Nardone | Psychology, Self-dev. |
71 | Ricco solo risparmiando | Francesco Narmenni | Personal finance, self-dev. |
70 | Il segreto della comunicazione | Paolo Borzacchiello | Marketing, Comm. |
69 | The rational man | Rollo Tomassi | Self-dev. |
68 | Il fenomeno degli incel e la Teoria Redpill | Marco Crepaldi | Psychology, sociology |
67 | Influence, the psychology of persuasion | Robert Cialdini | Psychology |
66 | So good they can't ignore you | Cal Newport | Self-dev. |
65 | The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck | Mark Manson | Self-dev. |
64 | How To Win Friends And Influence People | Dale Carnegie | Self-dev. |
63 | How to take smart notes | Sönke Ahrens | Self-dev. |
62 | The Happiness Trap | Russ Harris | Psychology, Self-dev. |
61 | The Law of attraction | E. & J. Hicks | Spiritual, Self-dev. |
60 | Memory | Baddeley | Psychology, neuroscience |
59 | Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence | Anna Lembke | Psychology, Self-dev. |
58 | The plague | Albert Camus | Novel |
57 | Loneliness | Cacioppo & Patrick | Psychology, Self-dev. |
56 | Vince chi impara | Alessandro de Concini | Self-dev. |
55 | Faust | Goethe | Novel |
54 | The master and Margarita | Bulgakov | Novel |
53 | Of mice and men | John Steinbeck | Novel |
52 | Heart of a dog | Bulgakov | Novel |
51 | The Great Mental Models 2: Physics, Chemistry and Biology | Shane Parrish | Psychology, Self-dev. |
50 | The fatal eggs | Bulgakov | Novel |
49 | Diary of a Madman | Nikolai Gogol | Novel |
48 | Nevskij Prospèkt | Nikolai Gogol | Novel |
47 | The Great Mental Models: General Thinking Concepts | Shane Parrish | Self-dev. |
46 | Un amore | Dino Buzzati | Novel |
45 | Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals | Oliver Burkeman | Self-dev., Time mgmt |
44 | The Will to Meaning: Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy | Viktor Frankl | Psychology |
43 | Man's Search for Meaning | Viktor Frankl | Psychology, Self-dev. |
42 | Digital Minimalism | Cal Newport | Time mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev. |
41 | Courage to be Disliked | Fumitake Kogam, Ichiro Kishimi | Psychology, Self-dev. |
40 | Era meglio il libro | Valerio Lundini | Nonsense, humor |
39 | The miracle of mindfulness | Thich Nhat Hanh | Mindfulness |
38 | Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World | David Epstein | Self-dev. |
37 | Antifragile | Nassim N. Taleb | Pyschology, Meaning of Life, Self-dev. |
36 | Luna 2069 | Leo Ortolani | Graphic novel |
35 | La virtù di Checchina | Matilde Serao | Novel |
34 | The Queen of Spades | A. Puškin | Novel |
33 | Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family | H.P. Lovecraft | Novel |
32 | Tools of Titans | Tim Ferriss | Bio(s), self-dev. |
31 | Designing your life | Bill Burnett, Dave Evans | Self-dev. |
30 | The Kreutzer Sonata | Leo Tolstoy | Novel |
29 | Bartleby, the Scrivener | Herman Melville | Novel |
28 | The elephant in the brain | Robin Hanson | Sociology, psychology |
27 | Flow | Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi | Psychology, Self-dev. |
26 | Meditations: Book of Knowledge and Philosophy Handbook | Marco Aurelio | Biography |
25 | The metamorphosis | Franz Kafka | Novel |
24 | The Trial | Franz Kafka | Novel |
23 | Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad | M. R. James | Ghost story |
22 | Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life | Thich Nhat Hanh | Mindfulness |
21 | Poor folk | Fëdor Dostoevskij | Novel |
20 | Why we sleep | Matthew Walker | Med. |
19 | Perfume: The Story of a Murderer | Patrick Süskind | Historical fantasy novel |
18 | Autobiography of a yogi | Paramhansa Yogananda | Mindfulness, "illumination", biography |
17 | No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering | Thich Nhat Hanh | Mindfulness |
16 | Ego is the enemy | Ryan Holiday | Psychology, Self-dev. |
15 | Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise | Thich Nhat Hanh | Mindfulness |
14 | The millionaire fastlane | MJ DeMarco | Financial, self-dev |
13 | Emozioni: istruzioni per l'uso | Giorgio Nardone | Emotions, Psychology |
12 | Eat that frog! | Brian Tracy | Time mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev. |
11 | Vipp | Nino Frassica | Humor, Nonsense |
10 | The time machine | H. G. Wells | Sci-Fi |
9 | Irresistible: the rise of Addictive Technology | Adam Alter | Digital detox |
8 | Tao Te Ching | Lao Tzu | Mindfulness, "illumination" |
7 | The power of now | Eckhart Tolle | Mindfulness, "illumination" |
6 | (the great little book of) Mastering your time | Brian Tracy | Time mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev. |
5 | The willpower instinct | Kelly McGonigal | Psychology, Self-dev. |
4 | Riconquista il tuo tempo | Andrea Giuliodori | Time mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev. |
3 | Getting Things Done | David Allen | Time mgmt, Psychology, Self-dev. (...2nd read) |
2 | Deep work | Cal Newport | Psychology, Self-dev. |
1 | Libro | Maccio Capatonda | Humor, Nonsense, Meaning of life |
Quali sono i libri che hai già letto ed hai intenzione di leggere quest’anno? Hai qualche libro in particolare da suggerire?

Nota: la frutta nel mio piatto è presente in numero perfetto.